Monday, June 14, 2010

Take A Deeper Look

I started this website to give support to the unemployed. I notice that other unemployment Blogs and websites are filled with people who want to have a pity party and blame everything on the economy! If you are diligently seeking employment, I applaud you and you have more full support. By now you should know that Lissa Shevon seeks to empower individuals to do more than just find another job. Jobs are needed in America but what happens if you get laid off again? Would you then come to the realization that job security is extinct? I challenge everyone to ask themselves  a few questions today. Do I really want to work a nine to five until I get old enough to retire? Will a pension be enough money to secure my family once I am retired? Do I want to spend the rest of my career making my employer rich? Or do I want to use my talent to make my self rich? I challenge you to think outside the box. Your life will be what you make it from this day forward. Hope this Helps and God Bless.

Lissa Shevon

1 comment:

  1. I love this site. You are the truth. Knowledge is power.
